Interviews and Speeches
Operation Guardian of the Walls - update
16 May 2021
Operation Guardian of the Walls and other arenas.
Operation Guardian of the Walls -
Key Points
17 May 2021
Questions and answers about the current conflict in Gaza
Operation Guardian of the Walls
i24 News Part 1
18 May 2021
Operation Guardian of the Walls
i24 News Part 2
18 May 2021
Operation Guardian of the Walls -
20 May 2021
What do you think would help the Palestinian people more - support the moderate Fatah-led Palestinian Authority controlling the West Bank, or side with their enemy, the Hamas terror organization that rules the Gaza Strip?
Operation Guardian of the Walls -
20 May 2021
What it really feels like to be in Israel these days, and thoughts on how to respond to criticism.
The Evolution of Unmanned Terminology -
Reflecting the Future of UAS
Presentation at DroneTech 2019
Hosted on Jewanced podcast
28 May 2021
Israel's political conundrum and security implications
TV7 Israel News.
4 June 2021
It seems as if only accidents or incidents could prevent a 7 party coalition jointly headed by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid from ousting Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud-led coalition - ending his 12-year reign but having a very uncertain life expectancy of its own. What’s next for Israeli politics and policies?
Israel’s campaign between the wars
TV7 Israel News.
22 May 2021
The Israeli security doctrine is based on the assumption that peace is not at hand. That is, even if some of the Jewish State’s neighbors sign treaties, their regimes could fall into hostile hands once again. In any event, there will remain other die-hard elements bent on disputing Israel’s existence and well-being. The challenge for Israeli strategists is to avoid a constant wartime mentality, which will block the country’s social and economic progress, and find the right balance in fighting its enemies to hold them at bay while delaying major clashes.
Israel, the Palestinians and the coronavirus
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
21 April 2021
Amid ongoing efforts by Israeli authorities to battle the corona contagion, Jerusalem is forced to consider the implication of the pandemic in the two Palestinian entities, neighboring the country. And while relations with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah is institutionalized, the Jewish State has seen the mutual benefit of working with health authorities in the Islamist-controlled Gaza Strip.
Israel's unyielding battle vs the corona virus
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
10 April 2021
Much like many other countries, Israel has tackled the corona contagion in a relatively complacent manner; yet, when it realized the severity of the crisis – it marshaled all of its resources and sprung into action. Is it already possible to outline the full magnitude of the medical, social and economic upheaval?
Israel’s northern front: challenges & opportunities
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
12 February 2021
When Israeli political and military leaders talk about the security problems they are facing, the Gaza Strip is always explosive but containable as long as Hamas prefers it, and the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority is quiet yet amenable to violent changes. The only constant is the clear and present danger in the north, because of the interface between three forces hostile to Israel: Hezbollah - as the de-facto ruler of Lebanon as regards Israel; Syria - which is torn in its civil conflict and has lost its independent policy making power but not its determination to retrieve the Golan Heights; and Iran - whose tentacles reach out to the Syrian-Israeli front. Under these circumstances, how does Israel view the complicated situation across its northern frontier? Are there only challenges for it, or also opportunities?
Israel’s preparedness for a wide-scale conflict
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
4 December 2020
With the Middle East, just like the rest of the world, pre-occupied with the year-long COVID-19 crisis, Israel’s enemies are in no rush or indeed position to initiate large-scale hostilities against the Jewish State. If there is any movement at all, it is in the opposite direction - with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan officially leaving the anti-Israel front. Yet the conflict with the Islamic Republic of Iran persists and may engulf Syria, where there are Iranian-backed militias and proxies; Lebanon, home base to Hezbollah; and Gaza, out of which Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operate. How well is Israel prepared for such an eventuality?
China's growing influence over Iran
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
11 August 2020
The old lesson about ‘politics abhorring a vacuum’ (including on a global scale) is apparently being learned once again in the Middle East. The United States is in the process of leaving Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. This policy could be reversed by a future administration, but for the time being, an assertive Russia stepped in to claim a leading role in Syria. Even more ominously, China has been negotiating trade and military agreements with Iran. The more the Islamic Republic sinks into crises in its health, economy and strategic affairs, the more Beijing could become its protector and use Tehran as a launching pad into the entire area.
Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank, prospects and challenges
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
25 June 2020
Is Israel’s aspiration to assert sovereignty over internationally-disputed territories on the West Bank of the Jordan River moving from a rhetorical standpoint to a proactive stage? Can we to expect an imminent historic declaration on 1 July?
Israel’s growing security challenges,
Part 2
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
9 June 2020
The first of this two-part series examined how Israel is preparing for a potential escalation on its Palestinian front if the planned annexation of parts of the West Bank comes to pass. Part 2 takes a look at other enemies and problems facing the Israeli military.
Israel’s growing security challenges,
Part 1
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
5 June 2020
In recent days Israel has stepped up preparations for various contingencies which may arise ahead of or following a formal announcement of asserted sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley and Biblical districts of Judea and Samaria as early as the beginning of July. Threats of massive conflict and other retaliatory measures against the move are rising, raising questions over Israel’s preparedness to contend with the potential consequences of a probable annexation.
Egypt’s efforts to attain social stability & Security
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
8 May 2020
With more than 100 million citizens mostly crowded in metropolitan Cairo and along the Nile river, Egypt is near-impossible to govern, as it is persistently plagued with social unrest, economic misery and security forces struggling against terror groups of various Islamist and Jihadists affiliations. Nevertheless, Egyptian President Abd-el Fatah a-Sisi seems to have relatively stabilized the country in difficult times, including in dealing with the implications of the Coronavirus crisis. Is this really the case?
Israel Unprecedented 3rd Round of Elections
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
21 February 2020
In seventy years since the inception of the Jewish State, Israel elected its Parliament – or Knesset in Hebrew - at an average of once every three and a half years. But a week and a half from today, Israelis will head to the polls for an unprecedented third time in less than a year, with the political fate of outgoing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hanging in the balance.
Israel’s growing security challenges,
Part 1
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
5 June 2020
In recent days Israel has stepped up preparations for various contingencies which may arise ahead of or following a formal announcement of asserted sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley and Biblical districts of Judea and Samaria as early as the beginning of July. Threats of massive conflict and other retaliatory measures against the move are rising, raising questions over Israel’s preparedness to contend with the potential consequences of a probable annexation.
Israel’s growing security challenges,
Part 2
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
9 June 2020
The first of this two-part series examined how Israel is preparing for a potential escalation on its Palestinian front if the planned annexation of parts of the West Bank comes to pass. Part 2 takes a look at other enemies and problems facing the Israeli military.
Israel, the Palestinians and the coronavirus
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
21 April 2021
Amid ongoing efforts by Israeli authorities to battle the corona contagion, Jerusalem is forced to consider the implication of the pandemic in the two Palestinian entities, neighboring the country. And while relations with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah is institutionalized, the Jewish State has seen the mutual benefit of working with health authorities in the Islamist-controlled Gaza Strip.
Jerusalem- Damascus strategic dynamics
3 January 2020
A major focus of tension this year is sure to be the Israel-Syria relationship. while gradually coming out of its domestic nine-year conflict, Israel’s northern neighbor is still hosting forces threatening it – most prominently, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards elite Quds Force, as well as the Lebanese Hezbollah organization.
Shifting alliances between east and west
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
6 December 2019
The north Atlantic treaty organization has convened its heads of states in London this week, to commemorate NATO’s establishment 70 years ago, at the height of the cold war with the soviet union. Circumstances have of course changed dramatically over the seven decades, and with them – global alliances seem to be shifting, with the inevitable impact on the Middle East.
Israel-Jordan: Diplomacy & Security
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
26 November 2019
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which is almost landlocked and has a demographic majority of citizens of Palestinian origin, has traditionally being considered one of the more fragile of the Arab countries, yet in recent years, it has been surprisingly resilient while its neighbors succumbed to domestic and regional turmoil.
Israel’s challenge of confronting Gaza Islamist
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
22 November 2019
Lebanon is facing yet another significant event in its turbulent political history, with parliamentary elections one month away. Both domestic and external forces actively seek to influence results in their favor.
Islam’s Shi’ite-Sunni Mideast Rivalries
20 September 2019
The most ferocious religious conflicts are often not those between different religions, but rather between various streams within a common religion. That is no longer true in the context of Christianity between Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox, but it is certainly the case in Islam, with the Shiites led by Iran hostile towards the Sunnis led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Gaza: prospects & concerns
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
18 June 2019
With 2019 nearing mid-point, predictions regarding the fragile situation vis-à-vis the Gaza Strip has yet to materialize. Earlier, there were indications of either a major Israeli military incursion into the Hamas-controlled Palestinian enclave, or a de-facto arrangement between the parties, which sought to realize a mutuality-invested cessation-of-hostilities. Unexpectedly, neither scenario took hold.
The Arab world and the Palestinians
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
22 March 2019
The Palestinian issue has dominated the Arab-Israeli discourse, ever since the 1948 war. Excluding the Syrian angle, this virtually remains the last, yet most explosive issue blocking Israel from its aspired goal of peace with the entire Arab world. What are the chances for Israel to bypass the Palestinians and reach an accommodation with the other Arab parties?
Israel upgrading its military qualitative edge
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
14 September 2018
Israel could never match its neighbors for quantity of military weapons and formations, so it concentrated on improving its qualitative advantages. Does it still have this edge, or is the gap being closed even as it is upgrading its air force, intelligence and cyber capabilities?
Iran's nuclear aspirations
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
15 June 2018
Israel could never match its neighbors for quantity of military weapons and formations, so it concentrated on improving its qualitative advantages. Does it still have this edge, or is the gap being closed even as it is upgrading its air force, intelligence and cyber capabilities?
Israel’s preparedness for a war with Iran
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
5 June 2018
Amid growing friction between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel in Syria that has escalated into a direct confrontation between the two regional powers, during today’s program we will try to analyze the prospects of moving from a war of words to a real clash between the inheritors of the mantle of the two ancient civilizations, the biblical kingdom of Israel and the Persian empire.
Syria, Russia, US and Israel
Interview on RT Network (Russia)
15 April 2018
Following an alleged Israeli attack in Syria, and before an allied attack, led by the US, on chemical weapon facilities.
Current events
Debate on i24 News in ARABIC
10 April 2018
Lebanon's political future
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
3 April 2018
Lebanon is facing yet another significant event in its turbulent political history, with parliamentary elections one month away. Both domestic and external forces actively seek to influence results in their favor.
Saudi challenges amid regional rivalries
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
30 March 2018
Saudi Arabia, hailed as the most powerful Arab country today, has undergone major political and economic reform, aspiring to diversify its markets while bolstering its military capabilities. Nevertheless, the rivalry with the Islamic Republic of Iran has exerted a heavy price from the monarchy, forcing it into unwanted military adventures across the chaotic region.
Washington's renewed efforts to revive the Israeli Palestinian peace talks
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
30 March 2017
President Trump has sent his special representative for international negotiations to Jerusalem and Ramallah to test the waters and identify what course of action to pursue that will lay a foundation for a viable reconstruction of a long-stalled political process.
State comptroller's 2014 Gaza report
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
16 March 2017
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, together with Israel's top political and defense officials, were harshly criticized in a report published by the state comptroller, over what it said was a lack of preparation and cabinet consultation over a network of Hamas tunnels that confounded the IDF in the Gaza war of 2014.
China's interests in the Middle East
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
1 April 2017
With China's dependency on Middle East oil, the raging chaos and instability across the region has prompted diplomatic efforts by Beijing to increase its political involvement, aimed at ensuring its strategic interests.
Egypt’s Islamic insurgency
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
27 February 2017
Israel's southwestern neighbor Egypt, faces an ongoing Islamic insurgency that seeks to depose President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The main group that operates in the lawless Sinai peninsula called Wilayat Sinai has been battling Egyptian government forces, while declaring war, among others, against the Jewish State.
Israel's morality in the battlefield
Debate on TV7 Israel News.
18 January 2017
For years, international organization and humanitarian activists have challenged the moral conduct of the Israeli Defense Forces in the battlefield - accusing it of committing various atrocities that even appropriate to war crimes.
Interview on Frontpage Jerusalem Radio
The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem
29 September 2014
Israel and the Islamist Threat -
On the complex challenges which Israel currently faces from radical Muslim militias.
Guest speaker
27 February 2014
The Woman's Division
Campaign Launch Breakfast
Melbourne, Australia
Interview on Sun News Network
18 August 2014
During Operation Protective Edge
Interview held hours before the end of a 5 day ceasefire.
Discussing prospects for long term stability, and the need to enforce demilitarization by the moderate regional actors, supported of the international community.
Interview on Sun News Network
31 July 2014
Interviewed during IDF's Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.
Interview on Sun News Network
21 August 2014
Day 45 of Operation Protective Edge.
Interview on Sun News Network
14 August 2014
During Operation Protective Edge
The current ceasefire and prospects for long term stability.
The need to demilitarize Gaza and the possibility of a "war of attrition".
US-Israel relations and Obama-Netanyahu relations.
How united is Israel behind Netanyahu?
Adressing a workshop on advocating for Israel
3 August 2014
This video was created during Operation Protective Edge for a workshop in Melbourne, Australia, aimed at advocating for Israel and dealing with biased portrayal in the media.
The workshop was organized by Mr. David Southwick MP, in conjunction with the Association for Israelis in Australia and the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council.
ראיון לרדיו קהילתי במלבורן, אוסטרליה
הראיון נערך בשנת 2011, במהלך ביקור באוסטרליה מטעם קרן היסוד.
Interviewed IN HEBREW by Ruth Gilmour, on the Multicultural Community Radio 3ZZZ, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
At the time, Reuven was still serving in the IDF,
and visited Australia on behalf of UIA - Keren Hayesod.
Interview during President
Obama's visit to Israel
21 March 2013
Reuven Ben-Shalom talks with Bloomberg's Middle East Business Editor Elliott Gotkine about how President Barack Obama's message is being received by the Israeli people. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Countdown."